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Forming a Chapter

This is a grassroots organization whose mission is to help other Californians form chapters based on geography, affinity or interest groups. Current technology makes this super easy and even fun.


Step 1: How would you describe your chapter? Some examples of chapters currently up and running: "Calexit AV (Antelope Valley)", "California Freedom Coalition San Diego Chapter", "California Freedom Coalition Silicon Valley".


Step 2: Register with us. It's simple and we will never sell your information to a third party or send you spam. Please enter the name of your Chapter in the Message box.


Step 3: Create a Facebook Group. We suggest creating a Private group first.

You can always change it in the future. Choose the name wisely as there are restrictions.

You can use some of these sample graphics here. No need to spend a lot of time on this. Use whatever you think will work with your constituents.

Step 4: Invite all your friends.

Step 5: Create a Facebook Event and invite people to come and learn about Calexit and California Secession. Click on your Facebook page and create a new event.

Step 6: Create a Facebook Event and invite people to come and learn about Calexit and California Secession. Click on your Facebook page and create a new event.

Make sure to promote your event and invite friends. Print out a single page of one of the graphics below and just place it on a table in your meetup location so people can find you easily.

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